French anti-waste law: AGEC and how to comply in 2025
The French Anti-Waste for a Circular Economy law (AGEC) obliges all companies that sell products in France to communicate new information on physical and digital product labels.
France’s AGEC Law is the anti-waste and circular economy law that is applicable to all companies that sell in France. The general goal of the French anti-waste law is simple: it is to significantly reduce waste and promote a sustainable economy in France. AGEC, also known as Decree 2022-748 aims to accomplish this by demanding that producers provide more product information than before to consumers. Perhaps the most important AGEC requirement is easy access to recycling related information for consumers. The law was already adopted in April of 2022 Affected companies include producers, importers, dealers, and e-commerce platforms selling products in the French market. See the sections below for answers to questions about this French anti-waste law, including which deadlines are most relevant to companies importing or otherwise selling in France.
“…In order to improve consumer information, producers and importers of waste-generating products shall inform consumers, by means of marking, labeling, display or any other appropriate process, about their environmental qualities and characteristics… in accordance with the law of the European Union.”
The improved consumer information required must be made available to customers at the time of purchase and free of charge with any costs borne by the producer. Information must be provided in French. Details can be referenced from article R541-222 of the environmental code.
Article R541-221 lists kinds of products that must provide the required information along with information requirements. Mandatory information about environmental qualities and characteristics must be made available with a dedicated website or web page bearing the title: “fiche produit relative aux qualités et caractéristiques environnementales”/“product sheet relating to the qualities and environmental characteristics”. Relevant product data must be made available electronically, in a format that is “easily reusable, and usable by an automated processing system in aggregated form.” QR codes are the preferred solution for meeting this requirement.
It’s worth noting that using the term “biodégradable” (biodegradable), “respectueux de l’environnement” (respectful to the environment), or any other comparable environmental claims are now strictly forbidden.
When must companies comply with AGEC?
Decree 2022-748 was adopted April 29th, 2022. Requirements were scheduled for progressive applicability and enforcement, starting with the biggest companies and working down to medium and small businesses. The progressive applicability is as follows:
From January 1, 2023: producers, importers, and any other market promoter that sell into the French national market with an annual turnover of more than EUR 50 million and sell at least 25,000 units in a year. Exception for products that were placed on the market between January 1 and March 31, 2023. From January 1, 2024: producers, importers, and any other market promoter selling into the France national market with an annual turnover of more than EUR 20 million and sells 10,000 units in a year. From January 1, 2025: producers, importers, and any other market promoter that sell into the French national market with an annual turnover of more than EUR 10 million and are responsible annually for selling at least 10,000 units.
Note that as of January 1st, 2024, the following product categories were to comply with the respective regulations stated in decree 2022-748:
Building products and materials
Motor vehicles: Passenger cars, vans, motorbikes, quads
What industry-specific requirements are there for compliance with AGEC?
Most, if not all, industries are affected by the new environmental labeling law. Decree 2022-748 concerns all producers, importers, and dealers (including e-commerce) of waste generating products and packaging. Not every industry or product type has the same set standards to comply with, but the consequences of non-compliance can be significant. Article L. 541-10-3 states the method for calculating fines:
“Signs and markings that could lead to confusion on the rule for sorting or bringing in waste from the product are affected by a penalty which may not be less than the amount of the financial contribution necessary for waste management. These signs and markings are defined by order of the Minister responsible for the environment.”
In total, Decree 2022-748 includes 11 industry-specific regulations for environmental labeling requirements:
Repairability and durability
Industries to comply: Electrical and electronic equipment
The first point of compliance communicated in section 1 of Decree 2022-748 is a repairability index added to the product in accordance with the information given in article L541-9-2. According to article L541-9-2, producers, importers and distributors of electrical and electronic goods have to digitally showcase a repairability index of the product at hand. This index aims to score the product’s sustainability from 1 to 10, according to the criteria shown in article R541-214 . This must be brought to consumers’ attention at the point of purchase.
From January 1st, 2024, producers, importers and distributors of electrical and electronic goods are required to showcase a durability index and the parameters to establish it. According to article L541-9-2, this index includes new criteria such as the robustness of the product, or it replaces the already existing repairability index, although no further information is given on the exact criteria as of the writing of this article. You’ll want to check the latest decree changes to be sure.
Industries affected: packaging, all
Decree 2022-748 states that consumer information regarding packaging compostability must be made available on the packaging at the point of purchase. If the packaging is made from compostable materials, producers, importers and distributors are obliged to mention a statement: “emballage compostable” (compostable packaging).
Recycled material
Industries affected: Packaging, printed paper, electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators (such as rechargeable electrical power storage), containers of chemical products, furniture, textile products (clothing & footwear), sports and leisure items, DIY equipment, motor vehicles.
According to section 1 of Decree 2022-748, companies that fall under this regulation must express a statement containing the percentage amount of recycled material in the form: “produit comportant au moins [%] de matières recyclées” (product comprising of at least [%] recycled materials).
Use of renewable resources
Industries affected: construction products subject to environmental declaration
To be in compliance with the labeling requirements from Decree 2022-748, companies affected by this regulation must make information on use of renewable resources available to consumers at the time of purchase. The information conceived must be in line with the environmental declaration under article R. 171-17 of the construction and housing code. This is an extensive list of 16 labeling requirements. Representatives from the affected industries are advised to read thoroughly through these materials to maintain or develop compliance.
Possibility of re-use
Affected industries: Packaging
According to decree 2022-748, consumer information on the possibility of packaging reuse must be made available at the point of purchase. Packaging that is considered reusable should contain a statement: “emballage réemployable” (reuseable packaging) or “emballage rechargeable” (refillable packaging)
Industries affected: Packaging, printed paper, electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators, containers of chemical products, furniture, textile products (clothing & footwear), sports and leisure items, toys, DIY equipment, motor vehicles
According to Decree 2022-748, the recyclability and amount of recycled material must be conveyed to be in line with the environmental labeling laws.
Recyclability is understood as “being the effective recycling capacity of waste from similar or identical products.” The recyclability of a product is assessed using five criteria:
The ability to be efficiently collected
The ability to be sorted in recycling channels
The absence of material limiting recycling
That the recycled material is greater than 50% of the total waste collected
The ability to be recycled on an industrial scale
The recyclability is calculated by grouping the assessment criteria to get a final score on recyclability.
Companies are required to include a statement on the recyclability of the packaging:
The information on recyclability must be made available to consumers in the form: “produit / emballage majoritairement recyclable.” (mostly recyclable product / packaging)
If more than 95% of a product is made from recycled material, the company may mention “produit entièrement recyclable” (fully recycled product).
If product packaging is recycled from the same or similar materials, the company may mention “produit / emballage recyclable en un produit / emballage de même nature (product / packaging recycled from product /packaging of same nature)
Presence of precious materials
Industries affected: Electrical and electronic equipment, motor vehicles
According to Decree 2022-748, information on the presence of precious metals must be made available to the consumer at the point of purchase. This is mainly in regard to the environmental impact of the extracting conditions of the following metals:
When the amount of any of these metals in a product exceeds a milligram, companies are required to provide a statement on the contents of these materials in the form of:
“contient au moins [X milligrammes] d’or, d’argent, de platine, de palladium” (contains at least [X milligrams] of gold, silver, platinum, palladium)
Presence of rare earth elements
Industries affected: Electrical and electronic equipment, motor vehicles
Similarly to the section above, Decree 2022-748 specifies that the presence of rare earth elements must be made available to the consumer at point of purchase. This includes: scandium, yttrium, lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium.
As with the above paragraph, when the amount of rare element material used in the product exceeds 1 mg, the presence of these rare elements must be expressed with a statement in the form of: “contient au moins [X milligrammes] de scandium ……. lutécium.” (contains at least [X milligrams] of scandium ….. lutetium)
Hazardous material
Industries affected: Substances, mixtures and articles in quantities of more than one tonne per year that are considered hazardous within the scope of points 1, 2 and 3 of article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 with the exception of medicine.
According to Decree 2022-748, consumer information on products containing a dangerous substance with more than 0.1% concentration by mass must be made available. This information must be made available in accordance with the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), which has been in effect since 2006. However, with the implementation of decree748-2022, this information must be stored in a government approved repository as well as made clearly available to the consumer at the point of purchase.
There is an exception to making information available at the point of purchase. Decree 2022-748 argues that substances confirmed or suspected to contain endocrine disruptive properties, will need to provide a statement to the consumers no later than six months after identification of the substance as dangerous. According to Decree 2021-1110, substances mentioned in 1° and 2° of Article R. 5232-19 of the Public Health Code referring to Item L5232-5 must be split into two categories, based on the level of scientific proof:
Confirmed endocrine disruptive
Presumed endocrine disruptive
information on the toxicity of these substances can be made available after purchase, if the endocrine disruptive substance is identified after the purchase.
To comply with decree 2022-748, one of two statements must be applied:
When the relevant dangerous substance is listed in the first paragraph of article 59 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (page 44) referencing to article 57 (page 43) the statement must contain: “contient une substance extrêmement préoccupante” (Contains a substance of very high concern) alongside with the name of the present hazardous substance.
When the dangerous substance is not listed, the statement: “contient une substance dangereuse” (contains a dangerous substance) must be applied.
There is an exception as to how the information on hazardous materials is made available.
Normally, information associated with the product must be made available on a web page. However, as you’ve read earlier in this article, according to Article 541-222, providing information on dangerous substances can be carried out by means of a dedicated application designated by order of the minister in charge of the environment. This application must convey the dangerous substances in circulation, and showcase which substances are tied to which products. When a web page must be established for at least one other environmental quality, a link to the application designated by the administrating body and conveying the hazardous materials is sufficient, negating the need to state the hazardous materials on the web page, so long as there is a link to said information.
Industries affected: Textile products for clothing, footwear and household linen
Consumer information on traceability must be made available for the products from the affected industries. According to Decree 2022-748, the country where the following operations happen, for ALL materials, must be included:
Dyeing and printing
For footwear:
Finished product assembly
This information is expressed by simply mentioning the country where the operation was undertaken in a step by step format.
Presence of plastic microfibers
Industries affected: Textile products for clothing, footwear, and household linen
Information on the presence of microfibers must be made available to consumers if the proportion of synthetic fibers in the product is more than 50%. According to decree 2022-748, a statement in the form of “rejette des microfibres plastiques dans l’environnement lors du lavage” (releases plastic microfibers into the environment during washing) must be made available to the consumer at the point of purchase.
The best conclusion is that using QR codes on products or product labels in combination with a software system built to satisfy requirements is the most convenient solution for compliance. Of all the industries affected, the fashion, textile, and apparel industry are currently required to disclose the most data. It is very inconvenient and costly to disclose all of the origin and preparation data that is required on a care label or hang tag. QR codes re-directing to a page with disclosure of the data is an obvious best choice for compliance.
Why use QR codes for compliance with AGEC?
QR codes are an acceptable solution to complying with several aspects of the AGEC law:
Products which meet certain size requirements can display the Triman logo digitally, such as through a QR code
QR codes can be used to display traceability data, which is required by the AGEC law for textile products for clothing, footwear and household linen
By using dynamic QR codes, each product’s traceability or Triman information can be updated easily and in real-time without making changes to the physical label.
How to use QR codes to comply with France’s AGEC law?